Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Does Apple actually slow down your old iPhones?

It is a common complaint of iPhone users that once Apple releases a new iPhone, the older generations of devices begin to slow down or crash more frequently. Some may write this off as a coincidence or say it’s just what happens to technology when it gets old. However, some users felt very strongly that Apple was being malicious and purposefully slowing down devices as a tactic to force apple customers to upgrade their iPhones. It turned out to be true. 

In October of 2018 Apple as well as Samgsung were fined for slowing down older generations of smartphones. The Italian Competition Authority made the claim against Apple and Samsung and fined the companies for over $5 million dollars. In addition, Apple was fined over $5 million dollars again for not providing the information on how to maintain the well-being of the phone batteries or how to replace them. Although Apple admitted to the iOS updates did include software that slowed down older generations of iPhones, they deny the purpose being to convince customers to buy more recently released iPhones. “Apple released a message to its users on Thursday, addressing concerns about iPhones after the company confirmed it slowed certain models to protect aging batteries. Apple apologized for the “misunderstanding about the issue” and assured customers that it had “never — and would never — do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product.” said Jen Kirby in her article regarding Apples admittance to slowing down old iphones. Samsung also denied doing this action on purpose. Although the companies do not admit to slowing down older smartphones with malicious intent, they do slow down when new software updates get released to accommodate the newest devices.

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