I have decided to look further into the speech theory of promoting innovation. The central idea of this speech theory is that if a community values and encourages freedom of speech, then the people within it will strive to be more creative and continue to introduce new ideas to their society. All of these new ideas would benefit society by pushing it forward in terms of intellectual thoughts but also in terms of inventions and technology. The speech theory of promoting innovation suggests that it creates a better place to live with better people.
“Innovation benefits consumers through the development of new and improved goods and services, and spurs economic growth. An economy’s capacity for invention and innovation helps drive its economic growth and the degree to which standards of living increase.” This quote is from the book To Promote Innovation: The Proper Balance of Competition and Patent Law and Policy, a report written by the Federal Trade Commision. I agree with this quote because if more people continue to encourage innovation one another, new products are bound to come to be. It makes sense that the more new products we have, the better the economy will be and therefore the standard of living would increase.
If the theory of promoting innovation was usd to its maximum capacity, we would become an ever changing society. Change would be considered our new “normal” because it would be happening all day everyday.
Our current society does greatly promote innovation. Our country is very focused on business and the economy which does stimulate this idea of creation and growth among our society. As a whole, we constantly look for ways to better ourselves and our technological advances. In today's economy, you either better your own product/company or someone else will over power you and do it themselves.
I found this speech theory very interesting because I never thought about how our constitutional rights, especially the first amendment, impacted our economy so much. If we did not have such a strong desire to promote freedom of speech and freedom of expression, people likely would not feel as strong of a need to be creative and get their ideas out to the world. Additionally, with fewer ideas, there would be less inspiration for others to think of new innovations as well. I see it as very important that as a society, we proceed to promote all of our freedoms so that our country and our world and consistently better itself.