Friday, March 6, 2020

How do we get our news?

Old Style Printing Press
The first English newspaper was published in 1665 in Oxford, England, but dates of the first real newspaper is surrounded by much debate. The method of distributing news in a similar way can be traced to China as early as 202 B.C. when the Chinese government sent out news to bureaucrats. Since the newspaper the way we receive our news has changed greatly. Newspapers became very popular starting in the early to mid 1800’s and continued to be popular until quite recently. After majority steady growth for decades and centuries, the newspaper industry noticed a jump in sales at the end of the 19th century when Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolf Hearst created Yellow Journalism. Yellow journalism is articles that don't have a lot of facts to back up the claims and have other untrustworthy sources but people buy the newspapers that utilize yellow journalism because they use eye catching headlines that have shock value. In the 1950’s when the first TV came out, that set the stage for the decline of newspapers. People could get more updated news with the news channels than they did with the newspaper because they would have to wait until the next day to be informed. Now with social media, there is even lesser need for the newspapers because the internet and social media sites give people the ability to see what's happening with a certain event or situation as it happens. Although there is ease in getting instant information, it created a new issue we didn’t always experience with the newspaper. Falsi information can be spread so quickly and so easily with use of the internet. Unreliable sources can say whatever they want and some people will believe it. From newspapers, to radio, TV, internet, and social media, the way we receive our news has changed a lot. Although a majority are somehow online, many Americnas will still receive the newspaper because of the fact they feel like they can trust that information more.

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